Day 3
Devils Golf Course, Artists Drive, Badwater, West Side Highway, Johnson Canyon, Golden Canyon, Inyo Mine, Borax Museum, Borax Works, Mustard Canyon. We camped at the Texas Spring Campground.
150 miles, 10 hours 53 minutes

Broadway trail Superstition
Day 3 Maps
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Artists Drive
Cuff Button trail Superstition
Devil's Golf Course

Badwater Basin
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
West Side Road
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Johnson Canyon
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Hanaupah Canyon
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Eagle Borax Marsh
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Golden Canyon
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Inyo Mine
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Borax Museum
Cuff Button Horrell Creek trail Superstition
Harmony Borax Works
and Mustard Canyon